Lamium purpueum

Purple Dead-Nettle - Lamium purpueum

Family: Labiate Family (Lamiaceae)
Common names: bee sucking, flower nettle
Flowers: Flowering purple, 1 - 1.5 cm tall, upper-lip helm-shaped, flowers to 6 -16 lively in the axils of the upper leaves
Leaves: Crossed opposite to ground heart-shaped, sawn
Habitat: spotty weed stocks on fields, in gardens, vineyards, paths, rubbish dumps, wastelands, on fresh, nutrient-rich soils, nitrogen pointers
Collection time: from March until October
Use: This plant grows very fast and can produce up to four generations per year. Sometimes it even blooms in the winter. For the treatment of ear noises Insomnia, dysentery, chest discomfort and lung complaints, metabolic diseases, scrofula, rash, numbness, white-flow, anemia, cystitis, hemorrhoids, irregular and painful period, earwax indurations and wounds helps this plant.